As told through a few pics...
(The Gore-Tex Trans Rockies Run, one of the absolute best events I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of!)
(Sunset in Billings Montana on 1st night of our trip down, drive time was over 24hr!!)
(Our first 'real meal' since we left North Van over 36hr prior...umm, portions were a little on the large side!)
(Of which I certainly did not complain!)
(Arriving in Colorado and getting our first taste of the elevation. We drove over 11,000 ft!!)
(Camping at over 10,000 and seriously contemplating what the hell we had gotten ourselves into. A short 5k run nearly killed all three of us!)
(The un-paid mascots of the TRR check in process)
(About half of 'the crew' of people who headed down from the Vancouver region to compete in the 09 edition of Trans Rockies)
(The official check-in process, and finally getting to put faces to the great people behind the scenes at Trans Rockies Run)
(The hours about sum up the attitude of the town)
(Best support person ever! Jeff Delany's custom ride while supporting his niece Megan and sister Bitsy of Delany's Coffee House)
Stories of the run to follow shortly:)
Stories of the run to follow shortly:)