YES, I love my dog and I'm going to be 'that dog owner' who gushes about their pet! Roxy just turned 4 on Tues Dec 1st, though I was busy/working that day so I didn't tell her it was her B.Day till Wed Dec 2nd, when I was off for the day and I could treat her properly.
We headed out for a beautiful trail run on a spectacular December day and then followed it up with a $10 dog bone treat, amongst other treats as well of course. She was then pampered like a good woman should be on their 4th / 28th birthday, how does that dog year conversion work again?
Anyways, these are two short vids from when Roxy was just 1yr old, first she was trying to figure out what was attached to her ass, and second my then girlfriend was teaching her some pretty cool tricks...I always meant to follow through on training her to grab beer cans but somehow we just ended up running trails together instead! I've also attached my favorite five shots that were easily accessible in a thirty second search.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROXY!! You've enriched my life more than I ever dreamed an animal could do, and the fact that you make me laugh out loud at least once a day is a testament to that. You're the best!
(I can't believe how small she is in this vid!)

We headed out for a beautiful trail run on a spectacular December day and then followed it up with a $10 dog bone treat, amongst other treats as well of course. She was then pampered like a good woman should be on their 4th / 28th birthday, how does that dog year conversion work again?
Anyways, these are two short vids from when Roxy was just 1yr old, first she was trying to figure out what was attached to her ass, and second my then girlfriend was teaching her some pretty cool tricks...I always meant to follow through on training her to grab beer cans but somehow we just ended up running trails together instead! I've also attached my favorite five shots that were easily accessible in a thirty second search.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROXY!! You've enriched my life more than I ever dreamed an animal could do, and the fact that you make me laugh out loud at least once a day is a testament to that. You're the best!
(I can't believe how small she is in this vid!)