I managed to get my first speeding ticket in over seven years a week back, and in a 30 year old Subaru held together with duct tape and spit I might add. I was initially upset over it but before I arrived home, just ten minutes later, I found myself swelling with pride as I'm quite confident that it's the first speeding ticket my 81 Subaru GLF has ever earned, given that I purchased her from an elderly family, as a second owner, and with but 80,000miles on the odo.
Tommy Tiernan's take on his speeding ticket:
and if you have a few more minutes on your hands I promise you won't regret watching his take on the all drug Olympics as well:
And as a last second addition here. Mr. Anderson Cooper has a pretty funny giggling breakdown last night. They have disabled embedding so you'll have to click here to watch the 69second video.
Gotta thank Chris Downie for the forward on this one. Highlight sexy dance moves happen just over one minute in. I'm sorry...but not really,
I'm always on the hunt for funny vids to post. If you have something you think would work in here please drop me an email at robbins.runner@gmail.com and I'll be sure to properly thank you if it makes the cut.
Quite a while back I posted the infamous Louis C.K. clip of his appearance on Conan O'Brien (everything's amazing and nobody's happy). It was amazingly accurate and funny all at once and an instant online hit.
On Tuesday of this week a friend posted a nine minute version of this same comedian's stand-up routine, and I found myself laughing out loud while at the same time feeling quite guilty about it at times (thanks Emily). I actually love it when a comedian can do this to me, but as such I have to give the earmuffs warning on this one. If you're easily offended, skip it. If you're under age and have never in your life heard an f-bomb (or worse...much worse), get on outta here. If you take life a wee bit too seriously and like to find things to complain about, feel free, but consider yourself warned. However, If you like offensive humor and need a good laugh then click away...
Three quick ones to throw your way this week. Starting with how NOT to use a rowing machine, followed by the incomparable Will Ferrell, and finally just a friendly reminder, in case you'd already forgotten...or tried to.
Some great video links that are too good not to share. Thanks to everyone who posted. Though you may have seen em all already, most are worth a second look.
Enjoy the 'top ten' +1, and whether you find yourself celebrating Canada Day today, Independence Day on Monday, or both if you happen to swing both ways (not that there's anything wrong with that), enjoy your weekend.