I'm not one to complain, at least not THAT much, and this shouldn't be taken as complaining, more a point worth mentioning...I am still getting tingly toes from the 'winter' adventure race! I just wasn't built for the cold...well I may have been at one point in time, but frostbite is not something you ever seem to fully recover from.

Anyways, winter is too much fun to let a little thing like numb feet stand in the way! I rounded up three friends for another pre-work ski tour this morning. Up at 5:30am, out the door for 6:00am, pick everyone up and at the parking lot for 6:50am, about 1.5hr skinning up and 35 minutes back down, with two dogs running hard to keep us in sight the entire time. Roxy hasn't moved a total of one square meter in the twelve hours since then!

I was still at work in time to open for 10am and put in my eight hours. After work I headed to the gym with a friend for some strength - core work. All in all, a solid day...I even managed to get my Christmas presents in the mail for my family back in Newfoundland. They might just make it on time this year, which would be a first for me!

