Looking to kill about fourty minutes at 11:30 a.m. tomorrow morning? If so then head on down to The Vancouver Health and Wellness Show and check out my presentation on the 130km West Coast Trail - Juan De Fuca Trail run that I completed in August of 2007.

The Vancouver Wellness Show is the largest of its kind in Western Canada! Here is their write up:

Need help finding balance in your life? Join us in Vancouver for one of the West Coast’s premiere consumer shows focusing on all aspects of health and vital living. Listed as one of the largest trade & consumer shows by Business in Vancouver and the fastest growing show by the Province, the Wellness Show is the place to showcase, sample and sell your products and services related to the health and wellness industries.

A comprehensive features program including keynote speakers, demonstrations and special events reflecting the most up-to-date information on wellness and healthy living will once again maintain the high appeal of the event for the year 2008.

I am somewhat nervous, but think I have put together a decent show and am more excited than anything. Wish me luck!