Is it the announcement of the new race course design, the $14,000 in prizing, or the fact that people just want an excuse to party? Whatever it is, registration has been coming in fast and furious and we only have 20 spots left before we hit our 250 maximum capacity.

If you’re on the fence and still thinking about signing up, you better make up your mind soon!

If you are contemplating signing up for this one you'd better give your head a shake! Outside of the usual legendary after party, a brand new race course, the cool t-shirt designs, and the fact that this is the final race of the year, Bryan Tasaka is giving away a FREAKIN TRIP TO HAWAII with seven nights accom and an adventure tour as one of the draw prizes!! Get in while you still can!

On a personal note, been experiencing some knee issues as of late which is why not a lot to blog about. Done some short runs but I always end up limping home afterwards...yeah, I know, stop running right! Don't ya know, "The only thing harder than not running."

My personal quotes of the week:
"I've never claimed to be fit or fast, but I do have a high pain tolerance and a low level of intelligence. These two things combined have allowed me to find my niche in endurance racing."

"It's all about being broke as a joke and loving life! I've never been so damn poor, and so completely happy all at once!"

Congrats to Lina Augaitis and her team Yoga Slackers for their recent win at Coast Raid in Quebec.

Finally, be sure to check in on the Trans Rockies running race currently going on in Colorado. Matt Hart and Sean Meissner are representing the U.S. Montrail team and currently battling for a top ten placing in a fully stacked field.
Also competing are Munny Munro from Whistler, and Leslie Gerein from Banff, amongst others of course!

This race is definitely on the radar for next year as myself and Aaron Heidt have been tossing around the idea for a few months now...I'll just make sure he brings his tow rope for me!

And finally, since I don't think many people made it to the bottom of my Stormy race report, here's my finisher photo from the I'm reliving it as I can't run right now and it feels good just to think about this race again!