CORRECTION, BIGGEST TRAIL RACE IN CANADA...1100 people between the 25k and 50k, WOW!!
Apparently there are also upwards of 1,000 spectators...this is gonna KICK ASS!!

Tomorrow morning Rune Melcher, Ellie Greenwood, and myself are flying to Ontario to compete in one of the biggest trail races in Canada, The 7th Annual Run For The Toad 25 and 50k. Montrail are sending us out there to represent so hopefully we can all put in solid performances. I'm still not sure as to how I will hold up on a pretty much completely flat 50k where winning times are well below 4hr...but we'll see soon enough I guess. Rune Melcher has finished second in this race twice before, so we are getting the inside scoop during our flight tomorrow.

Either way, I have not been this excited about a race in a long, long time. Partly due to the travel, but a big part of me is looking forward to the challenge of trying to hold my own against the marathon speedsters, something I have not been able to do to date. I came into ultra running from more of a hiking background and have yet to even attempt an actual marathon, so this should be interesting!

Wish us luck. The Race Director gave a great write up to Dom Repta of Team Montrail Canada that he posted on our team site a few weeks back. Check it out

