I am loving the 'off season' and taking full advantage of having nothing to think about, train for, or worry about AT ALL right now. Western training starts 01-01-09 and until then I get to drink as much as I want, eat as much as I want, party as much as I want, and run as little as I want!!

This past weekend I was a part of a relay team for the 12th annual Haney To Harrison 100km road race, and ultra. I ran the seventh leg which was about 13km and considered one of the 'harder' sections of the course...with a mole hill of a climb in the middle of it!

The only reason I agreed to do this relay race was because I got the chance to join 'The Chachies' in action. Now seven years in, the team is impeccably summed up by our 'baton'...a mullet! Yup, we have to pass along the same wet, smelly, disgusting mullet all day long!

I believe I slept about five hours from Friday till Sunday, could probably have failed a breathalyzer while running my section of the race, and was even handed a 'water bottle' full of tequila from my teammates half way through my leg...I nearly puked when I slogged it back, but it was pretty damn funny none the less!!

Here are some highlight pics:

Good Times, Good Times!

Big Congrats go out to Hassan Lotfi-Pour (Sammy), and Nicola Gildersleeve for winning the 100k Men's and Women's solo races, with an 8h15m and 9h31m respectively.

