K, it's Wed night and I'm still way behind on my actual packing! Tamsin Anstey, Nicola Gildersleeve, and myself depart North Vancouver at 5:30am tomorrow and fly out of Seattle at noon. I think this could be a very good weekend for all three of us, and our sights are unified and set upon making our way into Western States 2010. Wish us luck!

Here's how to hopefully gather as much live info as possible as the race unfolds:

-MMTR Blogsite Updates
(currently has the RD's pre-race rankings)

-MMTR Twitter Feed

-My Twitter Feed (which will hopefully be updated regularly via my awesome friend and crew member Hays Poole)

And I leave you with this...Tamsin and I enjoyed Halloween as Dimitri and Nadia, the worlds top figure skating duo who just happened to be in town early for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games...