This is just a quick update with a link to a fun article that was posted in one of our local newspapers today, The North Shore Outlook.

Reporter Rebecca Aldous happened across my blog one day, and she said she laughed out loud that someone would actually compete in a 100 mile running race named HURT, so she had to learn more. Here's her article and many thanks to her for contacting me!

UP NEXT, now that I finally have a video camera and have it working, THE CONQUER THE COASTS - MONTRAIL SHOE DRAW - IN SUPPORT OF RIGHT TO PLAY! I'll be sure to take care of it this weekend and post it early next week.

So far the taper to Miwok is going well. I managed to log 450km of running in the last 21 days leading up to the taper and outside of the obvious fatigue, my body feels really good with no real issues to speak of at all. At 9am tomorrow I get tortured with 'therapeutic massage' that will probably bring me to the brink of tears...and I'll only have to pay $90 to get someone to do this to me, what a deal!