Got here safe and sound, thanks to friends Krissy Moehl in Seattle and Devon Crosby-Helms in San Fran.

Got out for a quick scenic run tour this afternoon, followed up by some lunch with Devon at a great gluten free spot just around the corner from her place.

Below is a quick photo tour of the day...oh yeah, and I guess my days of stealth attacks are over with!

And quickly, Taper Tantrums...I meant to voice something similar before HURT in Jan as remember going through the EXACT same issues...on my run today, only my right hamstring, ankle, and foot, and left glute med seemed to be significantly bothering me. That combined with a completely sideways stomach and I guess I'm right on track to have another great race come Saturday, at least I hope that's the case!! Thankfully after a few years of experience I know not to let these things freak me out any more. I think I'm good to go!

Photo Tour:

(I got to see the entire 100km course as I flew in. That's where it starts just to the left of The Golden Gate, and then up into The Marin Headlands!)

(1st stop, Whole Foods for ESSENTIALS!)

(The Coit Tower, just up the street from Devon's place, ie she has a stellar location!)

(There is this little place I LOVE where they house antique machines that still work. Some still work after more than 100 years! It's a must see in my books and hidden just off the main strip. This one is 'Laughing Sally' and she literally just laughs heartily for about a minute per .25)

(Hilarious! A saddened Father holding a crying man-child, for only a quarter!)

(The view back over the bridge)

(Devon's cool Mini with the crazy steep roads below. )

(Finishing it off right!)