FINALLY, after a considerable technology based delay (which involved purchasing a new camera) WE HAVE DETERMINED A WEINER...

*And for the record, YES she actually does play with tennis balls on a regular basis, just not when the camera is on apparently!

Oh yeah, and in case you missed the first video, as it was posted the same day as my San Francisco photo tour, here it is:

THANK YOU so much to all who have donated towards the Right To Play cause so far. Your support is greatly appreciated!

And in case you're wondering...days without running right now stands at eight...I feel like a recovering addict! I have started heat training for Western States though, so at least I feel like I'm doing something to help condition my body for the run next month...even if that only involves sitting in one spot, sweating my balls off and praying for each second to somehow be less painful than the last.

I'm up to an hour already, and have also been doing hot Yoga. I'm actually shocked at how taxing these very simple activities seem to be and am thankful that I currently have zero stress about having to run as well. All in all, as difficult as this is, I have reaffirmed numerous times in the last eight days that this has been the best decision for 'me' at this point in time. Who knows, WS might even be 'fun' this year as I'm approaching it with a completely different mind set than last year. We shall see I guess!