There are now just two heavy volume weeks of training to go before I taper down into my second attempt at The Barkley Marathons. I have had a very successful winter season with consistent training via predominantly backcountry ski touring.

In mid-January we flew to Hawaii to volunteer at the HURT100 and then we hit up The Big Island afterwards. This was my '2017 intro to running camp' if you will. Once we returned to BC I began to balance out each week with skiing and running, and I officially concluded my ski season on Sunday, February 19th with a second place showing at the Vertfest Alpental Ski Mountaineering race in Snowqualmie, WA. That capped off a 21,000ft / 6400m week of training. 

February 20th - 26th saw a 31,000ft / 9450m week, and throughout that week I contemplated doing a daily video journal over the final 21 days into Barkley...and here we are. 

This was also Suunto World Vertical Week and I was happy to contribute to Canada's totals, as best I could. 

February 27th - March 5th