Done and done! 

The final four week training block is complete. The deposits have been made and numbers stack up as follows;

February 20th - March 19th

28 days.

129,000 total feet of climbing.

62,000ft over an 8.5 day span through my final workout.

187 total miles.

72 hours of training, almost all of it completed on a single two mile long trail called the BCMC.

One man cold.

Four gym sessions and four massages out at Fortius Sport and Health.

Two Coast Mountain Trail Series races directed, Run Ridge Run and the Cap Crusher.

28 dark chocolate bars consumed.

One Squamish50 orientation run cancelled due to the trails being buried in snow.

One three liter box of red wine polished off.

One single toe blister due to running in snow spikes for 70% of those 72 hours of training.

One completely exhausted, exuberant and ecstatic ultra runner who is all but ready to give this crazy Barkley thing another whirl. 

Here's my final training video of the last seven days, including my final overnight training session. I am now happily into the taper phase and anxiously awaiting another go at this thing :)